In an increasingly complex, sedentary and rapidly changing world, it is essential that young people develop their ability to respond to new health issues and evolving physical activity options. In Health and Physical Education, students develop personal and social skills through interacting with others in classroom and movement contexts.
At Centenary Heights the subjects within Health and Physical Education focus on enabling students to develop skills, understanding and willingness to positively influence the health and wellbeing of themselves and their communities. Throughout experiences in these subjects they will learn and apply movement skills, concepts and strategies across a range of physical activity contexts. This allows students to participate confidently and competently when moving.
A requirement of all practical lessons is that students wear hats and take water bottle.
Year 7, 8 and 10 Health and Physical Education
HPE is a compulsory core subject for all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. The primary focus for these years is integrated participation in units of work. The theoretical units cover food and nutrition, respect and valuing diversity, motor learning and feedback, emotions and responses to change during adolescence, online and offline safety and community health promotion. The practical units cover swimming and water safety, dance, ultimate disc (frisbee), touch football, net games, Auskick and tournament games.
Year 10 Semester 2 HPE Taster Subjects
The Semester 2 subjects in Year 10 allow students the opportunity to sample three Senior HPE-based subjects for a semester:
Year 11/12 Physical Education
Students learn experientially through three stages of an inquiry approach to ascertain relationships between the scientific bases and the physical activity contexts. Students recognise and explain concepts and principles about and through movement, and demonstrate and apply body and movement concepts to movement sequences and movement strategies. Through their purposeful and authentic experiences in physical activities, students gather, analyse and synthesise data to devise strategies to optimise engagement and performance. They evaluate and justify strategies about and in movement by drawing on informed, reflective decision-making.
Unit 1
| Unit 2
| Unit 3
| Unit 4
Motor learning, functional anatomy and biomechanics in physical activity. - Motor learning in physical activity - Functional anatomy and biomechanics in physical activity
| Sport psychology and equity in physical activity. - Sport psychology in physical activity - Equity - barriers and enablers
| Tactical awareness and ethics in physical activity. - Tactical awareness in physical activity. - Ethics and integrity in physical activity
| Energy, fitness and training in physical activity. - Energy, fitness and training integrated in physical activity
Year 11/12 Health Education
Health uses an inquiry approach informed by the critical analysis of health information to investigate sustainable health change at personal, peer, family and community levels. Students define and understand broad health topics, which they reframe into specific contextualised health issues for further investigation. Students plan, implement, evaluate and reflect on action strategies that mediate, enable and advocate change through health promotion. To achieve this, the Centenary Heights State High School Health curriculum considers contemporary health promotion theory and practice.
Unit 1
| Unit 2
| Unit 3
| Unit 4
Resilience as a personal health resource.
| Peers and family as resources for healthy living. - Body image
| Community as a resource for healthy living. - Homelessness
| Resprectful relationships in the post-schooling transition.
Year 11 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
Certificate II in Sport and Recreation provides the opportunity for students to learn skills such as organising sport activities, developing knowledge of coaching practices, using effective communication skills, coaching beginner participants and providing first aid. These are skills that can all be used in sport and recreation settings. There is a large practical component to this course where students will lead various activity sessions. Areas of future work may include community coach, work in the fitness or recreation industry, teaching.
Year 12 Certificate II in Sports Coaching
Certificate II in Sport Coaching program aims to reflect the role of individuals who apply the skills and knowledge to conduct pre-planned coaching sessions with foundation level participants in a specific sport. This qualification is a pathway to work in assistant coaching roles working or volunteering at community-based sports clubs and organisations in the Australian sport industry. Individuals with this qualification use a defined and limited range of basic coaching skills to engage participants in a specific sport and are involved in mainly routine and repetitive tasks using limited practical skills and basic sport industry knowledge. They work under the supervision of a coach. Areas of future work may include coach, work in the outdoor recreation industry, or teaching.
Year 11/12 Certificate II in Community Services
Certificate II Community Services is a pathway for students to develop skills needed to enter the workforce as a community services worker. Students will learn how to work with local government and community organisations to identify individual support needs and then plan and develop appropriate services to meet those needs. Areas of future work may include aged care, disability support, financial aid, social work or counselling and mental health support.
Faculty Directory |
Tayler Dodd
| 9 HPE
Frank Dowling
9 HPE, 11 Physical Education, 12 Cert II in Sports Coaching
Courtney Green
| 7 HPE, 11 Cert II in Sport and Recreation, 12 Cert II in Sports Coaching
Luke Halley
9 HPE, 11 Cert II in Sport and Recreation
Gavin Hams
| 8 HPE, 12 Cert II in Sports Coaching |
Gerard Hobson
| 10 HPE, 12 Cert II in Sport and Recreation |
Brendan Judd
| 7, 8 HPE
Amy Kramer
7 HPE, 11 Health
Tara Lester
| 10 HPE, 12 Cert II in Sports Coaching, 12 Physical Education
Adam Marshall
10 HPE
Ada McKenzie
| 8 HPE
Dave Natalier
| 8, 10 HPE, 9 and 10 Basketball Specialisation, 11 Cert II in Sport and Recreation
Savannah Ranford
7, 9 HPE
Max Richardson
| 7, 9 HPE
Peter Sykes
| 10 HPE, 12 Cert II Community Services, 12 Health