Centenary Heights State High School is located in the Toowoomba District and serves principally the urban community of South-East Toowoomba. The school was opened in 1968 and is one of several state and private high schools which service Toowoomba and the surrounding districts. The school occupies a site of approximately 10 hectares in a residential area adjacent to the Southtown Shopping Centre.
Around 1800 students across Years 7 to 12 are enrolled at Centenary Heights State High School. Our school is subject to an Enrolment Management Plan External link. Approximately 55% of students come from our traditional state primary partner schools, while 30% come from other schools in and near Toowoomba and 15% from overseas, interstate or intrastate.
The school enjoys a socially and culturally diverse student population representative of 43 different nationalities and 60 spoken languages. Approximately 7% of our total school population is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.
A tradition of hosting significant numbers of International exchange students continues. Our school is a preferred learning organisation for the increasing Sudanese and Ezidi populations within the wider Toowoomba community. Our school highly values this cultural diversity.
Our award winning Toowoomba Flexi School External link is officially an annexe of Centenary Heights State High School. 55 students between the ages of 15-18 are enrolled. Our Flexi School campus is staffed with 4 accredited teachers, 2 teacher aides, a part time school health nurse, social worker, wellbeing worker, guidance officer, an industry liaison officer and administrative staff. It caters to young people who have been otherwise disenfranchised from mainstream schooling. The success rate of these young people achieving a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), vocational certificates and school-based traineeships is very high as is their movement on to tertiary study or fulltime employment.
Approximately 15% of the school population require and receive additional educational support through our Diverse Learning Centre. Our Diverse Learning Program is an outstanding program catering to the needs of students with a physical or sensory impairment or an intellectual disability.
Our school has well-defined expectations around attendance, learning performance and student behaviour. We require that all students are safe, respectful and focussed and successful learners.
We have a strong tradition of supporting students to achieving their desired pathway beyond school. Tertiary study, school-based work experience, and school-based apprenticeships and traineeships are an important part of our offerings at both campuses of our school.
Our school has high expectations, excellent programs, dedicated staff and broad-ranging partnerships making school a desirable place to learn and work.