Expression of interest form (PDF, 67 KB)
Welcome letter (PDF, 311 KB)
Year 7 SRS and user fee payment 2025 (PDF, 349 KB)
2025 information for parents early Term 1 (PDF, 177 KB)
Annual parent information letter SRS (PDF, 271 KB)
Year 7/8 curriculum information booklet (PDF, 412 KB)
Year 7 camp letter and consent forms 24-28 February 2025 (PDF, 704 KB)
Coming to Year 7 in 2025 (PDF, 854 KB)
Student code of conduct (PDF, 204 KB)
BYOD program booklet (PDF, 305 KB)
Year 7/8 stationery list (PDF, 100 KB)
7M music excellence program (PDF, 509 KB)
7M music excellence program application
Sport activity consent form (PDF, 179 KB)
Medical details form (PDF, 205 KB)
Assessment policy (PDF, 1100 KB)
Homework policy (PDF, 56 KB)
P&C, uniform shop and canteen (PDF, 1256 KB)
Full formal uniform dates 2025 (PDF, 101 KB)
Dress code brochure PDF, 589 KB)
Instrumental music brochure (PDF, 400 KB)
Attendance poster (PDF, 141 KB)
QParents information pamphlet (PDF, 1112 KB)
Family technology charter (PDF, 531 KB)
School-based youth health nurse brochure (PDF, 235 KB)
Every day counts brochure (PDF, 21 KB)
School absence hotline details (PDF, 20 KB)
Canteen volunteer information (PDF, 272 KB)