On Friday July 30 three of our wonderful Indigenous students - Esther Ward Year 11, Caiden Bartholomew Year 11 and Harrison King Year 10 participate in the online 2021 Queensland Constitutional Convention. Our team of three students in the previous week met to prepare a speech in response to 'Should the Australian Constitution have a new preamble that would recognise our history, our aspirations and the many peoples and groups that make up our nation?'
Our nominated speaker Caiden delivered this three minute speech to those participating across the state. The day also saw our team listening to guest speakers on the topic and participating in breakout groups where our students were given a very short timeframe to write a preamble.
In the closing session the winners from each region were announced and as such Caiden Bartholomew was announced as delegate to represent the region at the 2022 National Constitutional Convention in Canberra. Very exciting news!